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a DOJ Government-to-Government Tribal Consultation on Telemedicine Regulations

June 13, 2024 @ 2:00 pm CDT

Dear Tribal Leader Letter

Framing Paper

  • June 13 at 3:00 pm Eastern
  • June 27 at 3:00 pm Eastern

If you are interested in attending one or both virtual consultations, please respond to by June 11, 2024, and include the name(s) and email addresses of your representatives. If you do not have reliable access to email you are welcome to join by phone; please call (202) 514-8835 if you will need to join by phone and be sure to leave a contact name and phone number in your message. Written comments will be welcome.

In response to the two March 2023 NPRMs, DEA received at least six comments from Alaskan Native and American Indian (AN/AI) organizations expressing concerns about the proposed telemedicine regulations. Among their concerns was DEA’s assertion that there would be no direct impact on Tribal communities, which they argued was inaccurate. They contended that despite the telemedicine exception for certain Indian Health Services and Tribal practitioners there would still be a substantial direct effect on Tribal communities given the limited practical and legal scope of the exception under 21 USC 802(54)(C).

Based on the comments received regarding the two NPRMs and presentations at the September 2023 Telemedicine Listening Sessions, DEA requests interested Tribal communities and persons to share concerns and feedback regarding the practice of Telemedicine and its impact on Tribal communities.

DEA, in coordination with the US Department of Justice Office of Tribal Justice (OTJ), will be hosting two virtual consultations.


June 13, 2024
2:00 pm CDT
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