
USDA APHIS ezFedGrant (eFG) webinar series
March 7, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm CST
An event every week that begins at 12:00 pm on Monday, repeating until March 28, 2022
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is hosting a webinar series on the ezFedGrant. There will be a one-hour and thirty-minute webinar each Monday in March, beginning with March 07, 2022, starting at 11 am MST/ 1 pm EST. Several APHIS’ programs will be presenting this webinar series; they will cover all topics from getting started in eFG to closing out an award. They will not be discussing APHIS program-specific funding opportunities as those will be shared by the APHIS programs individually in the immediate future and will notify you in advance.
eFG webinar sessions will focus on:
March 7 – Registration Link
- What is eFG,
- what is,
- what is a DUNS/Unique Entity Identifier?
- How does an entity get registered?
- What is needed for a registration?
March 14 – Registration Link
- Accessing eFG
- User roles
- Applying to a funding opportunity
- Application management
March 21 – Registration Link
- Next steps if selected for an award
- Award Management Reporting – Programmatic and Financial Claim Submission – Advance or Reimbursement
March 28 – Registration Link
- Amendments to an Award
- No cost extensions
- Change in Partners
- Add or remove funds
- Close out of the award
- Recap of all modules
If you have questions about the webinar series, please contact ONTL Assistant Director Carl Etsitty at or
Dr. Terry Clark at