Week of Jul 29th
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Native Spirituality: Creating Time and Space for Trauma Recovery and Wellness
Native Spirituality: Creating Time and Space for Trauma Recovery and Wellness
Native people define spirituality as central to their culture and traditions. Spirituality, culture, and healing ceremonies not only reinforce the core beliefs of tribal life but also restore personal balance when life stressors threaten to overwhelm. The COVID-19 pandemic added enormous anxiety and fear into many tribal communities. Tribal health care providers needed to assume expanded and urgent responsibilities, and physical isolation of tribal community members meant that they were cut off from their traditional gatherings, dances, and ceremonies. Many tribal families lost relatives and friends to COVID-19, or other tragedies, which brought new levels of grief to our communities.
We are now beginning to see light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and many Native people are taking stock of the past 15 months of physical separation and emotional strain. This discussion with Native spiritual and cultural leaders provides an opportunity to applaud the bravery of our health care providers and community members, and to discuss how Native spirituality can support our ability to regain our health and balance. For many, Native spirituality can be a potential antidote that minimizes the consequences of anxiety, fear, depression, and other stresses caused during the coronavirus crisis.
Please join this lunch-time conversation, which will offer comfort and a safe space to talk about Native spiritual beliefs, resilience, and the ability to cope. Participants will appreciate the reassuring messages and Native videos which illustrate the strengths and resilience of tribal people. This session will focus on the perspective of local tribal leaders. The conversation will be facilitated by Holly Echo-Hawk (Pawnee), a member of the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center team.
Overview of EDA American Rescue Plan Act Funding OpportunitiesOverview of EDA American Rescue Plan Act Funding Opportunities
Last week, EDA announced $3B in funding opportunities to invest in distressed and underserved communities impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. One example is the Indigenous Communities Program, where EDA will deploy $100 million by working hand-in-hand with Tribal Governments and Indigenous communities to develop and execute economic development projects needed to recover from the pandemic and build economies for the future. Information along with the Notice of Funding Opportunity for each program is available on EDA’s ARPA information page at: https://eda.gov/arpa/.
EDA will provide a broad overview of all these programs on July 29 at 1:00 PM MDT. Register for the national webinar.
Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call–
Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call
Every other Thursday at 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Eastern
A link to RSVP is provided shortly before each call and will be added here ASAP.
Note: You must RSVP to join the call. Upon successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email with dial-in instructions.
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EDA ARP Funding Opportunity Webinar: Build Back Better Regional Challenge
EDA ARP Funding Opportunity Webinar: Build Back Better Regional Challenge
Under the American Rescue Plan Act, EDA was allocated $3 billion in supplemental funding to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks. This historic appropriation will support bottom-up, middle-out economic development projects and activities that are focused on advancing equity, creating good-paying jobs, helping workers to develop in-demand skills, building economic resilience, and accelerating the economic recovery for the industries and communities hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
On Friday, July 23, EDA published six (6) separate Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) soliciting applications for its ARPA funds (view program summary chart). In order to help facilitate participation in these programs, EDA will host a series of webinars for EDA grantees and partners beginning on August 2. Below are links to each individual program web page and registration information for each webinar.
EDA will also host an EDA 101 and American Rescue Plan webinar on Wednesday, August 4 at 2pm Eastern (register).
- Build Back Better Regional Challenge: Monday, August 2 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Good Jobs Challenge: Thursday, August 12 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Indigenous Communities: Tuesday, August 10 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Travel/Tourism/Outdoor Recreation: Tuesday, August 3 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Economic Adjustment Assistance: Monday, August 9 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Statewide Planning, Research and Networks: Friday, August 6 at 2pm Eastern (register)
USET-IHS NAO COVID/Delta Variant Webinar–
USET-IHS NAO COVID/Delta Variant Webinar
Please join the USET Tribal Epidemiology Center and the IHS Nashville Area Office for a webinar discussing the delta variant.
Zoom link: https://usetinc-org.zoom.us/j/89927141128?pwd=YUFrNllFck91SXJ0bDFjY29ncTB6UT09
Topic: USET-IHS NAO COVID/Delta Variant Zoom Webinar
Time: Aug 2, 2021 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)Meeting ID: 899 2714 1128
Passcode: 528040One tap mobile
+19292056099,,89927141128# US (New York)
+13017158592,,89927141128# US (Washington DC)Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)Meeting ID: 899 2714 1128
Find your local number: https://usetinc-org.zoom.us/u/kjlYXrg8f
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EDA ARP Funding Opportunity Webinar: Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation
EDA ARP Funding Opportunity Webinar: Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation
Under the American Rescue Plan Act, EDA was allocated $3 billion in supplemental funding to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks. This historic appropriation will support bottom-up, middle-out economic development projects and activities that are focused on advancing equity, creating good-paying jobs, helping workers to develop in-demand skills, building economic resilience, and accelerating the economic recovery for the industries and communities hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
On Friday, July 23, EDA published six (6) separate Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) soliciting applications for its ARPA funds (view program summary chart). In order to help facilitate participation in these programs, EDA will host a series of webinars for EDA grantees and partners beginning on August 2. Below are links to each individual program web page and registration information for each webinar.
EDA will also host an EDA 101 and American Rescue Plan webinar on Wednesday, August 4 at 2pm Eastern (register).
- Build Back Better Regional Challenge: Monday, August 2 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Good Jobs Challenge: Thursday, August 12 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Indigenous Communities: Tuesday, August 10 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Travel/Tourism/Outdoor Recreation: Tuesday, August 3 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Economic Adjustment Assistance: Monday, August 9 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Statewide Planning, Research and Networks: Friday, August 6 at 2pm Eastern (register)
Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Webinar on Frequently Asked QuestionsEmergency Connectivity Fund Program Webinar on Frequently Asked Questions
The Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) was established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and will provide $7.17 billion to support the reasonable costs of the purchase of connected devices (i.e., laptop and tablet computers), Wi-Fi hotspots, modems, routers, and broadband connectivity for off-campus use to serve the unmet needs of students, school staff, and library patrons during the COVID-19 emergency period.
This webinar will highlight frequently asked questions about the ECF Program and application process as well as answer program questions from potential ECF participants. Participants will have an opportunity to submit questions about the program and its requirements during or in advance of the event to ECFwebinar@fcc.gov. The webinar will be recorded and be available for viewing after the event.
For additional information about the webinar, please contact ECFwebinar@fcc.gov or Molly O’Conor at Molly.OConor@fcc.gov.
Tribal Consultation on ARP State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Interim Final Rule–
Tribal Consultation on ARP State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Interim Final Rule
Tribal Consultation on ARP State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Interim Final Rule Announced for Tuesday, August 3, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Treasury will be hosting Tribal consultation on the Interim Final Rule for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds which was released on May 10, 2021. The consultation will be held Tuesday, August 3, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m Eastern.
Consultations are off the record and not for press purposes.
Register here.
Webinar for Tribes: FEMA Funds Community Engagement for COVID-19 Vaccinations–
Webinar for Tribes: FEMA Funds Community Engagement for COVID-19 Vaccinations
In response to the surge in Delta variant cases, FEMA continues to support state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in the fight against COVID-19 by reimbursing eligible expenses related to the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations.
Funding under FEMA Public Assistance program[1] includes community engagement and information dissemination to promote vaccination availability, scheduling, and accessibility, as well as reimbursement for activities to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. This funding is eligible under current FEMA policies and is available to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and eligible private and nonprofit medical facilities carrying out vaccination administration activities.
FEMA will hold a webinar for tribal governments and tribal representatives to explain available assistance on Tuesday, August 3 from 2-3pm ET You must register for the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/983302461322653707
Expense Eligibility
1. Communications and outreach
Communications and outreach on availability, safety, and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations include:
- Advertising campaigns to include Public Service Announcements, advertising costs, flyers, signs or other items needed to communicate.
- In-person community engagement activities, including personnel costs (consistent with FEMA Public Assistance eligibility criteria for labor costs); and
- Outreach to private sector companies and community organizations to support efforts to vaccinate employees and members (consistent with FEMA Public Assistance eligibility criteria).
2. Vaccination Information Sharing
Call Centers or websites for the purpose of sharing vaccination information with the public on how, where, and why to get vaccinated:
Call Centers
- Scheduling and filling open appointments at vaccination centers;
- Follow-up communications on second dose appointments;
- Facility support costs including leasing space, utilities, maintenance, and security;
- Staffing consistent with FEMA Public Assistance labor policies[2]; and
- Mobilization and demobilization costs.
- Labor or contract costs necessary for the design and development of the website; and
- Staffing and other costs necessary to operate and maintain the website and consistent with FEMA Public Assistance labor policies.
3. Accessible Communications
Costs associated with ensuring communications are accessible and effective for the whole community including individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals with disabilities, and others with access and functional needs:
- Translation and interpretation services;
- The provision of auxiliary aids; and
- Services such as qualified sign language interpreters, Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART), braille, or large print materials.
4. Transportation
Eligible transportation expenses include those associated with travel to ensure outreach to remote areas and underserved populations. Transportation to and from sites for the administration of vaccinations is also eligible.
FEMA encourages applicants for Public Assistance funding to work with other community partners in communicating with and engaging the public to support full implementation of COVID-19 vaccinations. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has also launched a COVID-19 public education campaign at COVID-19 Community Corps | WECANDOTHIS.HHS.GOV. The public education campaign is a national initiative to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines while reinforcing basic prevention measures such as mask wearing and social distancing.
[1] Chapter 2:VI.B. Emergency Protective Measures of Version 3.1 of the Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide (PAPPG) www.fema.gov/assistance/public/policy-guidance-fact-sheets and Section C.3.h of Version 2 of the Public Assistance COVID-19 Medical Care Policy www.fema.gov/media-collection/public-assistance-disaster-specific-guidance-covid-19-declarations .
2 See Chapter 2:V.A. Applicant (Force Account) Labor of PAPPG V3.1
White House COVID-19 Response Team WebinarWhite House COVID-19 Response Team Webinar
Join the White House COVID-19 Response Team post July 4th update on Tuesday July 6th at 6pm ET!
Webinar Registration: WH COVID-19 Team: State/Local Health Officials
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Overview of EDA American Rescue Plan Act Funding Opportunities
Overview of EDA American Rescue Plan Act Funding Opportunities
Under the American Rescue Plan Act, EDA was allocated $3 billion in supplemental funding to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks. This historic appropriation will support bottom-up, middle-out economic development projects and activities that are focused on advancing equity, creating good-paying jobs, helping workers to develop in-demand skills, building economic resilience, and accelerating the economic recovery for the industries and communities hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
On Friday, July 23, EDA published six (6) separate Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) soliciting applications for its ARPA funds (view program summary chart). In order to help facilitate participation in these programs, EDA will host a series of webinars for EDA grantees and partners beginning on August 2. Below are links to each individual program web page and registration information for each webinar.
EDA will also host an EDA 101 and American Rescue Plan webinar on Wednesday, August 4 at 2pm Eastern (register).
- Build Back Better Regional Challenge: Monday, August 2 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Good Jobs Challenge: Thursday, August 12 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Indigenous Communities: Tuesday, August 10 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Travel/Tourism/Outdoor Recreation: Tuesday, August 3 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Economic Adjustment Assistance: Monday, August 9 at 2pm Eastern (register)
- Statewide Planning, Research and Networks: Friday, August 6 at 2pm Eastern (register)
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO–
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 12-1pm PT Resuming July (NPAIHB-led)
These COVID-19 ECHO Programs are designed to connect I/T/U clinicians, administrators, and staff with up-to-date information on clinical care and emerging health topics. ECHO sessions are open to those interested in staying current on the rapidly evolving pandemic to inform their COVID-19 response efforts. View past ECHO sessions >Participants
Physicians, advance practice providers, pharmacists, RNs, medical assistants, clinical administrators, and others are welcome.To Join
Unless otherwise indicated, simply click on the Zoom link 5 minutes before the session begins (or at any time during the session), then sign in.Navigating the American Rescue Plan Act: A Series for Tribal Nations, Session 6Navigating the American Rescue Plan Act: A Series for Tribal Nations, Session 6
Episode 6: Investing in Your Tribes' Infrastructure
view session
Slides: Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act | Additional ResourcesFrom setting tribal priorities, to building infrastructure, to managing and sustaining projects, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) presents an unprecedented opportunity for the 574 federally recognized tribal nations to use their rights of sovereignty and self-government to strengthen their communities. As the tribes take on the challenges presented by the Act, the Ash Center’s Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development is hosting a series designed to assist tribes, to help tribes learn from each other and from a wide array of guest experts. During this session, the sixth in the series, following a round of discussion between the panelists a brief Q+A session will be held to maximize the opportunities for audience participation.
This session, titled "Investing in Your Tribes’ Infrastructure" will feature:
- Lael Echo-Hawk (Pawnee Nation), Principal, MThirtySix, PLLC
- Wendy Helgemo (Ho-Chunk Nation), Senior Legislative Attorney, Big Fire Law & Policy Group LLP
- Joe Valandra (Rosebud Sioux Tribe), Executive Director, Native American Contractors Association
- Jennifer Weddle (Northern Cheyenne Tribe) HLS 2000, JD, Principal Shareholder, Co-Chair American Indian Law Practice Group, Greenberg Traurig, LLP
- Moderated by Karen Diver (Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), HKS MPA 2003, Board of Governors, Honoring Nations, Harvard Project
White House Tribal COVID-19 UpdateWhite House Tribal COVID-19 Update
Dear Tribal Leaders, Public Health Officials, and Indian Country Professionals,
On behalf of the White House COVID Response Team, please join us for a White House Tribal COVID-19 Update.
EVENT: White House Tribal COVID-19 Update
DATE: Wednesday, August 4th
REGISTRATION: REGISTER HEREPlease Note: This call is closed press and not for attribution.
Past Calls/Webinars/Briefings/Events
- IHS Tele-Behavioral Health Center of Excellence: COVID-19 Webinar Recordings (topics such as engaging patients in telehealth sessions, compassion fatigue, treating substance use disorders during a pandemic, vaccine planning and implementation) and COVID-19 Recovery Webinar Recordings (topics such as suicide prevention, grief and loss)
- CDC recorded calls and webinars:
- October 30: Information, Questions and Answers on the HHS COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Planning (recording)
- October 29: Maximizing Federal Assistance: Seeking, Obtaining & Using CARES Act & Federal Assistance
- October 28: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 28: IHS COVID-19 Response Webinar Series: Engaging Children and Teens in Telebehavioral Health Sessions: The Basics
- October 28: COVID-19 National Briefing Call for State, Local, and Tribal Officials
- October 26: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 22: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) (FDA’s YouTube channel, meeting announcement, agenda, FDA Briefing Document)
- October 21: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 20: Native American Financial Literacy Services: Investing Your Money Through a Pandemic
- October 19: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 (recording)
- October 16: USET COVID-19 Echo (recording)
- October 14: State, Local, Tribal COVID-19 National Briefing Call
- October 14: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 12: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 8: Recommendations for Influenza Prevention and Treatment in Children: An Update for Pediatric Providers
- October 8: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- October 8: Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call
- October 8: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Monthly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- October 7: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 5: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- October 2: USET COVID-19 Echo (recording)
- October 1: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- September 28 – October 1: Tribal Consultation on COVID-19 Vaccination Planning for Indian Country
- September 30: State, Local, Tribal COVID-19 National Briefing Call
- September 30: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 28: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 25: COVID-19 Vaccine Planning Information Session for Tribal Communities
- September 25: USET COVID-19 Echo (recording)
- September 24: Mental Health and Resiliency TeleECHO
- September 24: How to Access Economic Impact Payments
- September 23: Recent Updates and Innovations in Telehealth
- September 23: How to Access Economic Impact Payments
- September 23: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 21: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 17: Harvard Kennedy School: Ash Center: Insights from congressional and Tribal Leaders: Coronavirus
- September 17: Advancing the Response to COVID-19: Sharing Promising Programs and Practices for Racial and Ethnic Minority Communities
- September 17: IAQ Considerations to Assist Tribes in Re-Opening Tribal Buildings during COVID
- September 17: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- September 16: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 16: FEMA Region II National Preparedness Division: Engaging Youth in Preparedness
- September 16: State, Local, Tribal COVID-19 National Briefing Call
- September 15: The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development Survey Results Detail COVID-19’s Impact on Indian Country’s Economy Webinar
- September 14: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 11: USET COVID-19 ECHO (9/11 recording)
- September 11: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- September 11: Understanding the Use of Telehealth in the IHS Electronic Health Record (EHR)
- September 10: Examining the BIE’s School Reopening Guidance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- September 9: Suicide Prevention in the Age of COVID-19 Facebook Live for #HopeForLife
- September 9: NIHB Webinar: Eldercare in the Time of COVID
- September 9: Insights from Congressional and Tribal Leaders: Coronavirus Relief for American Indian Tribal Governments
- September 9: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- September 4: Lessons from the Front Lines: COVID-19 Call
- September 3: Avoiding Consumer Fraud for Native American Consumers and Communities
- September 2: Public Listening Session: Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine
- September 2: National State, Local, Tribal COVID-19 Briefing Call
- September 2: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 31: HRSA Tribal Consultation on the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund
- August 31: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 28: USET COVID-19 Project ECHO Webinar (recording)
- August 27: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- August 27: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- August 27: Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call
- August 26: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 24: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 21: Environmental Health: Air Pollution, COVID-19 and Health Disparities
- August 21: USET COVID-19 ECHO (8/21 recording)
- August 21: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- August 20: August 13: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- August 20: Influenza Vaccination Recommendations and Clinical Guidance during the COVID-19 Pandemic (The recording and slide set will be available on the COCA Call webpage.)
- August 19: National State, Local, Tribal COVID-19 Briefing Call
- August 19: Strengthening Vaccine Confidence in Pediatric Offices During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- August 19: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 18: COVID-19 in Indian Country: Past Policy, Current Responses, and Future Implications
- August 18: Childhood and Adult Immunizations During COVID-19
- August 18: NIHB School Readiness Funding Opportunity Pre-application Webinar
- August 17: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 14: USET COVID-19 ECHO (8/14 recording)
- August 14: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- August 13: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- August 13: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- August 13: Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call
- August 12: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 12: HRSA Webinar on the Provider Relief Fund (PowerPoint presentation)
- August 12: Returning to K-12 Education: Using Science to Keep Children, Teachers and Staff Safe
- August 10: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 7: USET COVID-19 ECHO (8/7 recording)
- August 7: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- August 6: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- August 6: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- August 6: Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call
- August 5: Understanding Coronavirus Relief Fund Reporting Requirements
- August 5: COVID-19 National Briefing Call
- August 5: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- August 4: Main Street Lending Program’s Applicability for Tribal Businesses
- August 3: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- July 30: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- July 30: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- July 30: Indian Country COVID-19 Update Call
- July 30: The Necessity of Behavioral Health Integration During and Following a Pandemic
- July 30: Advocating in the Age of COVID: Best Practices
- July 30: Health Insurance Enrollment During COVID-19
- July 29: Substance Use and COVID-19: A Way Forward
- July 29: Project Firstline Infection Prevention & Control Listening Session (session 3 of 3)
- July 28: COVID-19 and Diabetes: The Importance of Prevention, Management, and Support (The slide set and recording are available on the COCA Call webpage)
- July 27: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- July 24: USET COVID-19 ECHO (7/24 Recording)
- July 24: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- July 23: Treating Substance Use Disorders & Supporting Recovery during a Pandemic
- July 23: NIHB and CDC All Tribes Call: Resource Sharing and Listening Session
- July 22: National White House Briefing Call
- July 22: Project Firstline Infection Prevention & Control Listening Session (session 2 of 3)
- July 22: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
- July 20: CDC COVID-19 Partner Update: Considerations for Safely Returning to Work
- July 20: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- July 20: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call
- July 17: USET COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- July 17: USCCR Virtual Briefing: Assessing COVID-19 and the Broken Promises to Native Americans (recording)
- July 16: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- July 16: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- July 16: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- July 16: Economic Resilience in the Face of COVID-19: How to Maneuver and Build Your Business During an Economic Downturn
- July 16: Protecting Voter Health and Participation in the 2020 Elections
- July 16: COVID-19: Use of Stimulus Funds Webinar hosted by the TSGAC
- July 16: White House Indian County COVID-19 Update Call
- July 16: IHS COVID-19 All Tribes Call
- July 15: Project Firstline Infection Prevention & Control Listening Session (session 1 of 3)
- July 15: IHS Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) Virtual Meeting
- July 14: Culture is Prevention Session 2: Spirituality in the Native American Culture and Its Role in Prevention and Healing
- July 14: BIE School Reopening Consultation: Session 3 of 3 – Off Reservation Boarding Schools
- July 13: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call
- July 13: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- July 10: Pandemic Response: Confronting the Unequal Impacts of COVID-19
- July 10: COVID-19 Mental Health Impacts on At-Risk Populations
- July 10: COVID-19 Contact Tracing in Indian Country
- July 10: BIE School Reopening Consultation: Session 2 of 3 – Consultation for the Public
- July 10: USET COVID-19 ECHO (7/10 recording)
- July 10: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- July 9: BIE School Reopening Consultation: Session 1 of 3 – Consultation for Tribes
- July 9: IHS COVID-19 All Tribes Call
- July 9: DOJ OVW “Streamlining the Process for Tribal Grant Programs and a COVID-19 Consultation” (OVW’s tribal consultation website)
- July 9: Successfully Engaging Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities via Technology (This webinar was recorded and posted on ACL’s COVID-19 webpage.)
- July 9: Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19
- July 8: State, Local, Tribal National COVID-19 Briefing Call (readout)
- July 8: DOJ OVW “Streamlining the Process for Tribal Grant Programs and a COVID-19 Consultation” (Consultation 2 of 2)
- July 8: Supporting Parents and Caregivers of Children and Adolescents During a Pandemic
- July 8: Culture is Prevention
- July 7: Indigenous Perspectives on COVID-19
- July 7: Summit on Safely Reopening America’s Schools
- July 6: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- July 6: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call (call notes)
- July 1: DOJ OVW “Streamlining the Process for Tribal Grant Programs and a COVID-19 Consultation”
- June 30: Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse During a Pandemic: What’s Happening?
- June 30: DOJ OVW “Streamlining the Process for Tribal Grant Programs and a COVID-19 Consultation”
- June 30: Impact of COVID-19 on Childhood Immunization Services at IHS
- June 30: Medicaid Telehealth and COVID-19
- June 30: Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse During a Pandemic: What’s Happening?
- June 25: Reopening In-Person Behavioral Health Services: Identifying the New Normal
- June 25: Suicidality and COVID-19: How to Help
- June 24: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- June 24: Economic Resilience in the Face of COVID-19
- June 24: Supporting Child and Adolescent Mental Health during a Pandemic
- June 24: White House COVID-19 Briefing Call
- June 22: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- June22: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call
- June 19: USET COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- June 19: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- June 18: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- June 18: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- June 18: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- June 18: Navigating COVID-19 Federal Funding and Assistance: Accounting and Legal Issues
- June 17: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- June 15: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- June 15: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call
- June 12: Indian Affairs Listening Session on Oil and Gas Operations in Indian Country during COVID-19
- June 12: USET COVID-19 Project Echo Webinar (recording)
- June 11: Substance Use During a Pandemic: Two Public Health Crises Collide
- June 11: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- June 11: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- June 11: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- June 10: National Indian Gaming Association Seminar Series: Re-Opening Amidst Covid-19 – Week 3: Sustaining our Communities, Tribes, and Families (part 3 of 3)
- June 10: White House Briefing Call
- June 10: Tribal Leaders Call with Senators
- June 10: National Indian Gaming Commission: COVID-19 Guidance Outreach Call
- June 10: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- June 10: PPE Use, Disinfection, Decontamination, and Use of the Battelle Decontamination System
- June 9: Universal Service Administrative Co. Lifeline Webinar for Tribal Advocates
For more information about the Lifeline Program, visit Lifeline Support. Review information about the enhanced tribal discount by visiting Lifeline’s Tribal Lands page or the Tribal flyer.
- June 9: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Early Childhood Education Staff During COVID-19
- June 5: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- June 5: USET COVID-19 ECHO (6/5 session recording)
- June 4: iGaming, Social Gaming and Off Property Engagement Options for the Post-COVID-19 Reality
- June 4: Mental Health Matters During COVID-19
- June 4: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- June 4: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: IHS Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- June 4: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- June 3: National Indian Gaming Association Seminar Series: Re-Opening Amidst Covid-19 – Week 2: Protecting our Communities, Tribes, and Families (part 2 of 3)
- June 3: Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response
- June 3: Native Farmer, Rancher, and Fisher Sovereignty Series: Sharpening Your Tools to Access Data Driven Analysis – Week 6: Land Rental Arrangements
- June 3: State, Local, Tribal National Briefing Call
- June 2: COVID-19 Response: Promising Practices in Health Equity
- June 1: Webinar Series: Best Practices in the Adoption of Telehealth (session 3 of 3)
Session 3: Telehealth Technology, Privacy and Payment Policy – agenda and slides
Session recordings will be available on the Telehealth Mini-Series webpage
- May 29: USET COVID-19 ECHO
- May 29: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- May 29: An International Indian Treaty Council Webinar: Defending our Treaty Rights in the Time of COVID-19
- May 29: COVID-19 Q&A Webinar for Behavioral Health Care
- May 29: Native Edge Institute Webinar – COVID-19 Economic Resilience: How to Bring Your Business and Brand Online with Square
- May 29: Conference call for Tribal Leaders with Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA) and Speaker Pelosi
- May 28: IHS Webinar Series – Supporting the Mental Health of Healthcare Workers during Covid-19
- May 28: SEER Native American Resources Committee
- May 28: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- May 28: NIH Tribal Consultation on COVID-19 Research
- May 28: Tribal Oral Health Services During COVID-19
- May 28: Consumer Protection for Native Americans in the Age of COVID-19 Webinar
- May 28: Mental and Behavioral Health Webinar Series: Generalized Anxiety Disorder and COVID-19
- May 28: IHS and Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health Webinar Series for Community Health Workers on COVID-19 Best Practices: Individual and Community Resiliency
- May 28: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- May 27: Webinar Series: Best Practices in the Adoption of Telehealth (session 2 of 3)
Session recordings will be available on the Telehealth Mini-Series webpage
- May 27: Racial Disparities in COVID-19: A Public Health Perspective and Local Response
- May 27: National Indian Gaming Association Seminar Series: Re-Opening Amidst Covid-19 – Week 1: Caring for our Communities, Tribes, and Families (part 1 of 3)
- May 27: Tribal Governments in Action: Leveraging the CARES Act for Response and Recovery
- May 27: State, Local, Tribal National COVID-19 Briefing Call
- May 27: UNITE Webinar: Long-term Care Facilities’ Response to COVID-19
- May 27: Native Farmer, Rancher, and Fisher Sovereignty Series: Sharpening Your Tools to Access Data Driven Analysis – Week 5: Financial Information and Transition Planning
- May 27: Emergency Preparedness Recovery Planning from Development to Implementation
- May 27: Mental Health Matters During COVID-19 (repeated on June 4)
- May 27: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (Recording)
- May 26: Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center Virtual Seminar: On the Front Lines/Tribal Nations Take on COVID-19
- May 26: Indian Child Welfare: Practice Impacts and Responses to COVID-19
- May 26: NIHB Grant Application Technical Assistance Office Hours Webinar (2 of 2)
- May 22: NIHB Grant Application Technical Assistance Office Hours Webinar (1 of 2) Fact Sheet; Application Walkthrough; Webinar Notes; Webinar Slides; Webinar Recording
- May 22: Good Medicine Comedy Fundraiser
- May 22: National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Call for Title VI Grantees
- May 22: USET COVID-19 ECHO (5/22 session recording)
- May 21: CMS COVID-19 Office Hours Calls
- May 21: Native Youth Healing Gathering: A Virtual Event
- May 21: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- May 21: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
- May 21: Tribal Epidemiology Directors Roundtable Discussion
- May 21: IHS COVID-19 Response Webinar Series – Compassion Fatigue: Additional Risks while Serving Vulnerable Populations During a Pandemic
- May 21: IHS and Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health Webinar Series for Community Health Workers on COVID-19 Best Practices: CHR Program Best Practices
- May 21: Trauma: Staying Connected
- May 20: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
- May 20: Akin Gump Webinar – Do You Need Protection from the Paycheck Protection Program? Avoiding False Claims Act Liability in Connection with the PPP
- May 20: State, Local, Tribal National COVID-19 Briefing Call
- May 20: Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse National All Tribes Listening Session
- May 20: Native Farmer, Rancher, and Fisher Sovereignty Series: Sharpening Your Tools to Access Data Driven Analysis – Week 4: FINPACK Financial Analysis & Planning, Credit Analysis
- May 19: Resiliency of a People: Returning to Life After COVID-19
- May 19: 20 High-Value Strategies to Help Dental Practices Recover from the Covid-19 Crisis
- May 18: US Dept of Treasury, NAFOA, and NCAI forum discussion on the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
- May 18: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
- May 18: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call
- May 18: Webinar Series: Best Practices in the Adoption of Telehealth (session 1 of 3)
Session recordings will be available on the Telehealth Mini-Series webpage
- May 18: Growing Challenges of Substance Use, Treatment & Recovery during COVID-19
- May 15: House Natural Resources Committee Roundtable Discussion
- May 14: American Indian Cancer Foundation – Cancer & COVID-19: Physical and Mental Health and the Social Distance Powwow
- May 14: NIHB walkthrough of CDC Tribal noncompetitive grant funding opportunity, Supporting Tribal Public Health Capacity in Coronavirus Preparedness and Response (CDC-RFA-OT20-2004)
- May 13: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
- May 13: Native Farmer, Rancher, and Fisher Sovereignty Series: Sharpening Your Tools to Access Data Driven Analysis – Week 3: Sources of Farm Financial Information
- May 13: White House National COVID-19 Briefing Call
- May 12: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Strategic Discussion
- May 12: Radcliff Institute for Advance Study, Harvard University presents Confronting the Challenge of COVID-19 in American Indian Communities
- May 12: NCAI Forum: COVID-19: Economic Impacts and Implications for Indian Country
- May 11: NOAA Fishery Disaster Assistance Funding Tribal Consultation (session 2 of 2)
- May 11: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (Recording)
- May 8: NOAA Fishery Disaster Assistance Funding Tribal Consultation (1 of 2 sessions)
- May 7: Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- May 7: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- May 7: Scheduling conference in the CARES Act litigation
- May 7: Webinar: Combating Social Isolation for Seniors During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- May 7: National Academy of Medicine Webinar: Supporting Clinician Well-Being During COVID-19
- May 7: IHS COVID-19 TeleECHO Session: Clinical Readiness and Patient Care
- May 7: Native American Agriculture Fund 2020 Request for Applications Webinar
Visit their website to learn about the application due June 1, 2020
- May 6: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
- May 6: State, Local, Tribal National COVID-19 Briefing Call
- May 6: Native Farmer, Rancher, and Fisher Sovereignty Series: Sharpening Your Tools to Access Data Driven Analysis – Week 2: Business Planning
A recording of the first webinar on April 29 can be found online and webinars are scheduled on Wednesdays through June 3
- May 5: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Strategic Discussion
- May 5: Guiding Native Farmers Through COVID-19 Relief & Recovery
Preview the Farmers’ Guide to COVID-19 Relief (updated April 27)
- May 4: IHBG CARES Act Training
- May 4: Informational webinar/call to discuss the CDC OT20-2004 noncompetitive NOFO (More information is available on CDC’s COVID-19 Funding for Tribes website)
- May 4: Tribal Homeland Security and Emergency Management Working Group Meeting
- May 4: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- May 4: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO
- May 4: CDC COVID-19 All State Update Call (resources and contacts)
- May 1: USET COVID-19 ECHO (5/1 session recording)
- May 1: HUD ONAP: Conference Call with TDHEs
- April 30: U.S. Department of Education and Bureau of Indian Education Joint Tribal Listening Session
- April 30: NCAI Forum: Tribal Governments in Action
- April 30: IllumiNative COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall (recording)
- April 29: Native Farmer, Rancher, and Fisher Sovereignty Series: Sharpening Your Tools to Access Data Driven Analysis – Week 1 (recording)
- April 29: The Effects of COVID-19 on Indigenous Communities and Tourism in the US and Canada
- April 29: Joint Indian Health Service and Health Resources and Services Administration Tribal Consultation – Targeted Allocations of CARES Act Provider Relief Funds
- April 29: Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall: Improving Health Within our Communities with Q & A
- April 29: USDA – Farmers to Families Food Box Program
- April 29: White House COVID-19 Briefing Call
- April 28: U.S. Department of Education and Bureau of Indian Education Joint Tribal Listening Session
- April 28: NCAI hosting Congressional Town Hall on COVID-19 Legislative Efforts
- April 28: Getting Back to Business: Reopening the American Workplace under the Continued Threat of COVID-19 Webinar
- April 28: USDA Farmer to Families Food Box Program FAQs Webinar
- April 28: Webcast: Covid-19 – Another Employment Law Update
- April 28: CDC Webinar on COVID-19 for Community Health Workers
- April 27: AKIN Gump: How to Prepare for Forthcoming Congressional Investigation in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 26: Association of America Indian Physicians (AAIP) and the Indian Health Service
- April 26: USDA/SBA Tribal Teleconference: Accessing SBA’s PPP Round 2 Funding
- April 24 and 25: Virtual Gathering of Nations Powwow
- April 24: Tribal Listening Session with Department of Education (ED) and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE)
- April 24: Native Edge Institutes Announces a Virtual NEI: Best Accounting Practices and Workforce Development Training During a Pandemic
- April 24: HRSA Technical Assistance Webinar
- April 24: Native Edge Institute – Best Accounting Practices and Workforce Development Training During a Pandemic
- April 24: USET COVID-19 ECHO (4/24 session recording)
- April 23: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- April 23: COVID-19 Funding: Open Discussion with Self-Governance Tribes on Funding Opportunities Thank you to the organizations that prepared these documents and have allowed us to circulate them.
- April 22: Building Your COVID-19 Battle Plan
- April 22: White House Briefing Call on COVID-19 with DHHS, CDC, Treasury, USDA, and DHS
- April 22: Community of Learning: Homelessness and Housing Insecurity in Light of COVID-19 – Session 1
- April 22: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Listening Session
- April 22: Update for Rural Partners, Stakeholders, and Communities on the COVID-19 Response
- April 22: April 20: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- April 22: COVID-19 in Indigenous Populations: Not Repeating the Past
- April 22: 8(a) Small Business Webinar: Strategies to Build Your Business During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 21: Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Evidence-Based Prevention Science Webinar and Virtual Learning Lab Series
- April 21: Confronting Rural America’s Health Care Crisis: BPC Rural Health Task Force Recommendations
- April 21: Native American in Philanthropy: Rapid Response Briefing and Q&A – New Financial Support from Congress: What Tribal Nonprofits Need to Know
- April 20: Joint USET/USET SPF, BIA Eastern Region Office, and IHS Nashville Area Office Weekly Tribal Nations COVID-19 Response and Relief Effort Call
- April 20: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- April 20: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Webinar on Telehealth and COVID-19
- April 17: USET COVID-19 ECHO Webinar (recording)
- April 17: USDA Secretary Perdue Tribal Leader Call
- April 17: American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association Webinar
- April 17: House Natural Resource Chair: Raul M. Grijalva Virtual Roundtable: Coronavirus Response in Indian Country
- April 17: HUD’s Office of Native American Programs Conference Call with Tribal Leaders to Provide an Overview of Notice PIH 2020-05
- April 17: Health Resources and Services Administration Second Tribal Consultation
- April 16: White House Indian Country COVID-19 Response Update Call
- April 16: White House State, Local, Tribal National Briefing Call on COVID-19
- April 16: Ask a Native Physician: Town Hall Series with Association of American Indian Physicians and NIHB
- April 15: NPIHB COVID-19 Echo Webinar – Please find a recording of the session, downloadable slide sets, and additional resources for consideration at: https://www.indiancountryecho.org/covid-19/topic-presentations/
- April 15: Department of Interior – S. Department of Interior Dear Tribal Leaders Letter – CARES Act Distribution of Funds
- April 15: White House State, Local, Tribal National Briefing Call on COVID-19 White House Follow-Up COVID-19 National Briefing Call on April 15 with State-Local-Tribal Leaders
- April 14: The Honorable Robert L. Wilkie, Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and The Honorable Douglas L. Hoelscher, Deputy Assistant to the President, Office of White House Intergovernmental Affairs for a COVID-19 briefing call update surrounding the GI Bill – Pension Benefits and the CARES Act implementation.
- April 14: Tribal Consultation Regarding Tribal Employers’ Participation in the CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program
- April 14: Tribal Consultation regarding Tribal Businesses’ Eligibility for the CARES Act Employee Retention Credit
- April 14: HRSA Tribal Consultation
- April 13: Northwest Indian Health Board COVID-19 ECHO (recording)
- April 10: NIHB All Tribal Nations Call with FEMA and HHS
- April 9: Safe and Proper use of Disinfectants and Household Cleaners
- April 9: Consultation: Proposed Section 106 Procedures for FEMA-Funded COVID-19 Undertakings
- April 9: Tribal Leaders, Bureau of Indian Affairs and US Dept of Treasury Consultation Calls (Dear Tribal Leader Letter)
- April 8: National American Indian Housing Council Click here for agenda.
- April 8: White House Call: Federal Agency Guidance and Implementation of the CARES Act Follow up: Resources and Readout
White House Follow-Up COVID-19 National Briefing Call on April 8 with State-Local-Tribal Leaders
- April 8: CDC Informational Call to Review New Funding Opportunity for Tribal Public Health You can submit any questions after this informational call to TribalCOVIDnofo@cdc.gov.
- April 8: Consultation: Proposed Section 106 Procedures for FEMA-Funded COVID-19 Undertakings
- April 8: Special Open-Door Forum addressing Telehealth in Medicare during COVID-19
CMS has also released a video providing answers to common questions about the Medicare telehealth services benefit. CMS is expanding this benefit on a temporary and emergency basis under the 1135 waiver authority and Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations
- April 8: Issues Affecting Native American Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis
- April 8: Ask a Native Physician: Town hall with the NIHB and the Association of American Indian Physicians
- April 8: COVID-19 Echo Webinar: Recording, slide sets, and additional resources
- April 7: Best Practices for COVID-19: Telemedicine
- April 7: Webinar Overview of the CARES Act: Stimulus Funding for Tribes
- April 6: CMS All Tribes Call hosted by National Indian Health Board.
- April 3: NCUIH Community of Learning COVID-19 Response Series: Session 1
- April 3: HUD Update on COVID-19 Response for Tribally Designated Housing Entities Recording
- April 2: CDC Informational Call to Review New Funding Opportunity for Tribal Public Health (Presentation slides)
- April 1: Native Farm Bill Coalition Webinar
- April 1: Indian Health Service consultation with Tribal Leaders
- Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker: Notes from April 1 IHS Consultation
- April 1: NIHB Listening Session with SAMHSA and HRSA
- Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker: Notes from April 1 SAMHSA and HRSA Listening Session
- SAMHSA Dear Tribal Leader Letter – follow up to consultation
- March 31: National Indian Health Board Listening Session with CDC
- March 30: NIHB All Tribes Tribal Caucus: COVID-19 Phase 3 Legislation
- March 26: Tribal Leader Town Hall: COVID-19 Phase 3 Legislation
- 3/27 Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker Memo: IHS Distribution of Second Emergency Relief Bill Funding and 2020 HHS Tribal Budget Consultation
- 3/27 HHS: Dear Tribal Leader Letter
- March 25: White House State & Local Briefing Call on COVID-19 – Follow up
- March 25: CDC: Optimization Strategies for Healthcare Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Call slides were made available prior to the call
- March 24: Considerations for Tribal and Urban Programs Wanting to Transition to Telebehavioral Health – recording
- March 23: IHS virtual Tribal consultation on distribution of emergency COVID-19 funding
- March 24: Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP Memo
- March 20: U.S. Department of Education’s COVID-19 Call with K-12 Stakeholders – Readout
- March 20: COVID-19 and Homeless Urban Indians – slides and webinar
- March 18: CDC Answering 20 Questions about COVID-19 – Call Slides
- March 18: White House Indian Country COVID-19 Response Team Call
- Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker: Notes from March 18 White House Call
- March 17: Tribal Leader Town Hall on COVID-19
- March 17: National Indian Health Board Listening Session
- March 16: CDC Media Telebriefings: Transcripts are available at cdc.gov/media.
- March 16: CMS: COVID-19 Stakeholder Call Recording/Transcripts
- March 16: IHS: Frequently Asked Questions Regarding COVID-19