
DOI Self Goverance Advisory Committee and IHS Tribal Self-Governnce Advisory Committee
March 7, 2023 - March 9, 2023
Please register for the meetings at:
March 7 – March 8 (AM) – DOI SGAC Meeting
March 8 (PM) – March 9 – IHS TSGAC Meeting
Location: Embassy Suites, 900 10th St NW, Washington, DC 20001 (if you did not make a reservation using the room block and need to make one, please email and they can ask the hotel to reopen the block)
Zoom information for each meeting is available on the agenda.
REMINDER: Meeting materials (including presentations) will be uploaded to the DOI SGAC and IHS TSGAC webpages in advance of the meetings.
DOI SGAC meeting page:
IHS TSGAC meeting page: