The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship program funds recent graduates and energy professionals to support critical energy organizations in advancing clean energy solutions that will help decarbonize the power system, electrify transportation and industry, and make the U.S. power system more resilient, equitable and inclusive. The program recruits candidates from diverse backgrounds to spend up to two years at eligible Host Institutions.

Prospective Host Institutions apply to the program with a specific project scope (see webpage for details). The project is defined upfront to facilitate the matching process but may evolve over the fellowship period. The staff member of an eligible Host Institution who will mentor the fellow and oversee the project activities should submit the application and participate in the Fellow selection process. The application period for Host Institutions opens on Feb. 1, 2024 and closes on March 5, 2024.

Fellowship candidates apply to the program describing their interest in the opportunity and their relevant skills and experience. Candidates will indicate their top host projects of interest in their applications. The application period for Fellows will open in April 2024.