USGS Climate Data Fellowship at National CASC – Apply by August 1
The National Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) is seeking an ORISE fellow, meaning that eligible applicants must have received a Master’s or Doctoral degree within the last 60 months. The selected participant will co-develop standardized data management approaches and workflows for projects funded by the CASC network. Through this research experience, the fellow will have the opportunity to explore earth science community standards for the intake and publication of gridded data sets; contribute to the conversion of data holdings to cloud-optimized formats; and develop documentation of best practices for the handling of big datasets. The participant will assist with curating spatio temporal asset catalog (STAC) metadata and enhancing technical support for data visualizations of CASC data collections. This research will support scientists, data managers, and resource managers throughout the data lifecycle, by contributing to data accessibility and reuse.
CASC National Tribal Coordinator – Application reviews begin August 1
The USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) are seeking a National Tribal Coordinator to serve as a primary liaison and subject matter expert in Tribal partnerships, engagement, and Indigenous Knowledge. The Coordinator will also guide and support CASC approaches and considerations when working with Tribes and strengthen relationships between the CASCs and relevant Tribal agencies, programs, and initiatives. We are looking for the best possible candidate and have flexibility around duration and schedule (e.g., short-term, part time).
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