Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – A day of quiet reflection and call to action; Leonard Peltier Sentence Commuted by President Biden
January 20, 2025
“Our USET/USET SPF family joins relatives across Indian Country in expressing our gratitude, joy, and relief that Leonard Peltier has been freed from over 47 years of unjust imprisonment. We applaud President Biden and this Administration for its bravery and righteousness in extending clemency to Mr. Peltier in the sunset of his life. Additionally, we express our appreciation to everyone over the years who advocated so strongly for his release. While nothing can truly set right the violation of his rights and decades of wrongful captivity, this action of compassion brings some healing and justice to Mr. Peltier and his family, as well as this painful chapter in the history of Tribal Nation-United States relations,” said USET/USET SPF President Kirk Francis.
President Biden Issues Historic Apology for Indian Boarding School Era in Recognition that Truth and Accountability Are Necessary for Ushering in New Era
October 25, 2024
USET/USET SPF President, Chief Kirk Francis of the Penobscot Indian Nation, said, “President Biden’s acknowledgment of the deep wounds caused by the Indian boarding school era is a crucial step towards healing and reconciliation. We celebrate this historic moment and call upon the United States to further its commitment to honor our histories, restore dignity, and ensure that the voices of Tribal Nations are respected and not left unheard. Together, we can shed a more truthful light on our history, so that we can achieve a brighter future in our Nation-to Nation, sovereign-to-sovereign relationship.”
USET SPF Statement in Recognition and Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 15, 2024
Today, on this day of remembrance, let us rise united and inspired by Dr. King’s unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and love. Let us not merely commemorate his legacy but actively embody it through acts of kindness, empathy, and service to one another. Together, we can turn his dream into a shared reality, where the triumph of justice and unity benefits not just a few, but every soul on this planet.
USET SPF Responds to Senator John Cornyn’s “Wild Bunch of Indians” Remarks
October 31, 2023
During a recent conversation with a Texas reporter, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), made an inflammatory remark about the newly selected Speaker of the House, wishing him luck in managing “this wild bunch of Indians over in the House.” Such remarks are not only deeply offensive but also perpetuate a legacy of disrespect and disregard towards Indigenous communities, following centuries of federal action designed to eradicate Tribal Nations and assimilate our citizens.
USET SPF Calls Upon Congress to Confirm Patrice Kunesh for ANA Commissioner
March 7, 2023
With a confirmation vote likely to occur soon in the Senate, USET SPF continues to register its strong support for Patrice Kunesh to be the next Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans (ANA) within the Administration on Children and Families at the Department of Health and Human Services.
USET SPF Statement in Recognition and Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 16, 2023
What we can draw from Dr. King’s lifelong work is that conversation, retrospect, and the aspiration of mutual respect amongst one another, can cross borders and intersect generations, race, identity, and backgrounds. Therefore, as a nation, we recognize a man who dedicated his life to opening the dialogue surrounding issues like racism, prejudice, and the effects of inequality on every person’s life. Dr. King and many others laid the foundation for the work of future social change makers, that build off these advocacy efforts.
USET SPF Lauds Nomination of Patrice Kunesh for ANA Commissioner
June 23, 2022
“Patrice is a well-known advocate for the rebuilding of Tribal Nations and our economies,” said USET SPF President Chief Kirk Francis. “From her establishment of the Center for Indian Country Development to her service as Deputy Solicitor, to her extensive legal career, she has worked tirelessly to advance Tribal self-governance and economic development in Indian Country."
USET SPF Celebrates Historic Appointment of Chief Lynn Malerba as First Native U.S. Treasurer
June 21, 2022
“Chief Malerba embodies the highest ideals of leadership,” said USET SPF President Chief Kirk Francis. “She leads with compassion, tact, love, integrity, professionalism, and respect for all people, while fervently advocating for the advancement of Tribal sovereignty and the delivery of trust obligations. For nearly 20 years, our Board of Directors has looked to Chief Malerba for her reasoned guidance and expertise amid some of Indian Country’s most complex issues... She has dedicated herself to the service of our Tribal communities, our people, and the next generations.
USET SPF Lauds Historic President’s FY2023 Budget Request
March 28, 2022
“The President’s FY 2023 Budget Request lays the foundation for revolutionary and transformational change in the diplomatic relationship between Tribal Nations and the United States,” said USET SPF President Kirk Francis. “USET SPF has long called for mandatory and full funding for all federal Indian programs, including the Indian Health Service, and the Biden Administration is the first to heed this call by issuing proposals that would move us closer to realizing this necessary change."