Meet the Climate Change Team
The USET Tribal Climate Resilience Program Team is focused on providing USET member Tribal Nations with technical support in their planning efforts toward increasing their community’s resiliency and adaptation to the impacts of climate change. Meet the Climate Change Team and our partners within USET.

Steph Courtney
is the Assistant Climate Science Liaison. Dr. Courtney serves as a technical expert on climate change issues, resource vulnerability, and climate adaptation actions to Tribal Nations in the USET region, and more broadly in the combined region comprising the Department of Interior’s SECASC and NECASC. She is responsible for developing and implementing a communication, education, and outreach program; identifying climate research needs and priorities; and providing climate adaptation planning support to Tribal Nations. You can reach Steph at

Tyler Everett
is the Forest Adaptation Technical Assistant. Tyler is a citizen of the Mi'kmaq Nation and is a forester specializing in forest pests, namely the emerald ash borer (EAB), which is a current threat to cultural resources on Tribal lands in northern forests. His work with USET focuses on the impacts of climate change to forests. You can reach Tyler at

David Anderson
is the OERM Agriculture Senior Technical Assistance Specialist. Climate change has already impacted our food systems by extending the growing degree days, increasing or decreasing rainfall, causing unpredictable spring weather, and shifting the regions of pests and invasive species. This has led to the start of collaborative projects between the USET Climate Program and the Agriculture Program to address these issues with adaptation and mitigation. If you want to connect with us about climate impacts to your landscapes, food system, or farm, please feel free to reach out to David at

Rebecca Naragon
is USET’s Economic Development Director. Community and business recovery activities allow for many opportunities for collaboration between Climate Change and Economic Development programs. In this spirit, USET OERM and the Climate Change program has been working with USET’s Office of Economic Development over the past few years on facilitating training workshops and camps, resource and network brokering, and supply chain technical assistance. Rebecca Naragon, CEcD, is a citizen of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians and can be reached at