USET 2022 Best Practices Conference
Learn more about the hybrid 2022 Best Practices Conference, or check out resources from previous conferences below.
Storytelling has long played a role in passing knowledge from one generation to the next. Although in the western context, stories often have a fictional connotation, in Native American communities storytelling is a powerful way to ensure that knowledge crucial for the health of the community is passed on. Our Annual Best Practices Conference embraces storytelling as a valued way of knowing and focuses on bringing together success stories from various sectors within Tribal Nations across Indian Country to uplift Tribal communities, build stronger connections and ultimately increase the health status of Tribal citizens.
First hosted in August 2019, the Best Practices Conference has highlighted storytellers sharing their wisdom on various topics including, but not limited to:
- Implementing new methods of communication that appeal to all ages, and understanding if your message is being understood by your target audience.
- Sharing innovative tools for data improvement, purchased and referred care, and ways to meet required reporting standards, such as the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).
- Sharing evidence-based practices to promote resiliency and address the lasting impacts of adverse childhood experiences.
- Using traditional knowledge and values to address historical trauma and substance abuse.

Who should attend the Best Practices Conference?
- Traditional Healers
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Addiction Counselors
- Immunization Coordinators
- Diabetes Coordinators
- GPRA Coordinators
- Health Directors
- Clinical Application Coordinators (CACs)
- Social Services staff
- Tribal Justice staff
- Emergency Service Responders
- Anyone interested in learning more about Tribal health
2021 Participant Quotes
"This was my first time attending the conference. Really appreciated the decolonizing data and integration of culture woven throughout the sessions"
"Every session I attended exceeded my expectations"
"Specific for Indian Country"
"We are in a position to re frame public health in Indian Country this content supports preparing and acting upon it"
"Glad everyone had focus on the various aspects of the pandemic and how it has affected every avenue of the health system"
"This conference, in my opinion is one of the best you can attend to gain knowledge and ideas for growth in public health."
2021 Conference Statistics
For five consecutive half-days, USET OTPH hosted its 3rd Annual Best Practices Conference virtually. A total of 131 individuals, across five time zones, participated in 43 live and pre-recorded Zoom sessions from 50 different presenters.
Participant Demographics
- 20 USET member Tribal Nations
- 10 additional Tribal Nations
- 12 Native owned or inter-Tribal entity partners
- 3 federal and state partners
- 8 additional public health partners
2020 Participant Quotes
“The content was very applicable to current public health crises occurring in Indian country and helped shine a light on these topics/issues. It helps us all know what is happening across the country and gives us support to find solutions within our own specific communities/tribes/nations.”
“There really was not a topic that wasn't applicable to public health in the community I serve.“
“This is my first best practice conference, the content was excellent and very informative.”
“Every presentation I attended had information pertinent to public health in Indian Country. I always look forward to the USET Best Practices conference for just that reason.”
“informational and very interesting. I felt less alone.”
2019 Participant Quotes
“This was so excellent. I’m honored to have had the chance to attend this conference”
“This conference was great, and I really learned a lot to take back to my Tribe”
“I really enjoyed my first USET experience”
“The whole conference was GREAT!”
“Every session offered great info I did not know prior to attending”