USET Educational Book

We are excited to announce the release of the third edition of the USET/USET SPF Educational Book! This valuable tool for our overall education and advocacy efforts was first released in 2019 as part of our 50th anniversary celebration. The third edition, released in March 2025, includes up-to-date information about our member Tribal Nations and our programmatic and advocacy work.

Please view the electronic version of the educational book and browse the contents of the expanded "Toward a New Era in Tribal Nation–United States Diplomatic Relations" and "USET SPF Policy and Legislative Priorities" sections below.


Toward a New Era in Tribal Nation–United States Diplomatic Relations


USET SPF Policy and Legislative Priorities
Position Documents
  • Marshall Plan for Tribal Nations
  • USET SPF Tribal Consultation Principles
  • USET SPF Principles and Priorities: Selected Policy Positions
  • USET SPF Candidate Position Checklist
  • Testimony of Chief Kirk Francis, USET SPF President, before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs for the Oversight Hearing “From Languages to Homelands: Advancing Tribal Self-Governance and Cultural Sovereignty for Future Generations” - December 9, 2020
  • USET SPF Testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Virtual Public Briefing: Assessing COVID-19 and the Broken Promises to Native Americans - July 10, 2020
Speaking Our Truth