
USET 2023 Diabetes Coordinators Training
March 30, 2023 - March 31, 2023
USET 2023 Diabetes Coordinators Training
The USET Diabetes Coordinators Training will provide technical assistance and resources to Tribal Nations who are current and newly funded Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) Primary Grantees.
When: March 30-31 at 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Central
Where: Nashville, TN
Hutton Hotel
1808 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
Reserve your room today. Room Block ends on March 3, 2023.
Who should attend: USET member Tribal Nations and IHS Nashville Area Service Units Diabetes Coordinators. This invitation is private and is only open to USET member Tribal Nations and IHS Nashville Area staff.
Attendees will learn about the:
- SDPI Operating System
- SDPI Outcomes System
- Diabetes Web Audit
- Diabetes Grants Management
Registration Information: Registration link
COVID Protocols (as of 09/15/2022, subject to change)
The USET Tribal Epidemiology Center (USET TEC) is a recognized public health authority supported by the Tribal Nations within the USET region. Throughout the course of the COVID pandemic, we have relied on their expertise to guide us to ensure for the overall safety, health, and wellness for our members, staff, and event attendees. As the impacts of COVID have evolved, we have continued to assess our protocols to ensure that they remain reflective of the current status of the pandemic. Today, we are announcing the following updates to the USET sponsored meeting COVID protocols:
USET/USET SPF Sponsored Meetings
- Up to date* vaccinated attendees will not be required to mask and can fully engage without restrictions. Vaccinated attendees will provide proof of up-to-date status via self-attestation. Daily testing is strongly encouraged.
- Unvaccinated attendees, or attendees not up to date, will be allowed to attend, but will be required to:
- Wear a KN-95 or N-95 mask, or
- Test negative within 24 hours of the event AND also test negative daily, if the meeting is for extended days
As part of our public heath authority responsibilities, we will continue to provide education, offer PPE, rapid tests, and continue to strongly encourage best practices. Additionally, for USET/USET SPF meetings hosted by member Tribal Nations, we will continue to comply with the COVID protocols that each set for their respective nation. While these protocols have changed to better reflect the current state of the pandemic, updated booster shots, and availability of treatments options, the USET TEC strongly recommends ongoing caution due to the health disparities that exist across Indian Country.
*Please note that up-to-date means that the primary series has been received and any current boosters (if eligible and/or available) have been administered.
For questions, please contact D’Angelique Lister, USET Public Health Program Coordinator, at