
Office of Indian Economic Development Grantee Meeting

Please join the Office of Indian Economic Development at their first annual grantee meeting held on August 1-3, 2023 in Cherokee, North Carolina. Attendance will be limited to 300 participants, so please hurry for your FREE registration and reserve your reduced rate hotel room by July 10, 2023! Any Tribal Nations or Tribal organizations are […]

IHS Tribal Consultation on Health IT Modernization

Virtual Event

Dear Tribal Leader Letter As part of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Health Information Technology (IT) Modernization Program, you are invited to join a series of four Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer(TC/UC) sessions in calendar year 2023 on Health IT Modernization. These are important and timely meetings for IHS to ask questions and get your […]

ITEP Tribal Clean Transportation Roundtable

Virtual Event

August 2 at 1:00 pm Central/2:00 pm Eastern Join via Zoom Meeting ID: 810 3267 8122 Password: rezcar You are invited to join a new Roundtable call for Tribal Nations, Federal Officials and others interesting in advancing clean transportation deployment on Tribal lands.  The goal of this new Tribal Clean Transportation Roundtable is to create […]

DOI Tribal Consultation on Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Virtual Event

Dear Tribal Leader Letter August 2 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern virtual - Register The Department of the Interior seeks Tribal and Indian artist input on draft revisions to the Indian Arts and Crafts Board. The draft revisions seek to modernize the Indian Arts and Crafts Act's regulations, which are implemented by the […]

FEMA Virtual Tribal Consultation on Community Disaster Resilience Zones

Virtual Event

August 2 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern Dear Tribal Leader Letter FEMA Advisory CDRZ FEMA will host a virtual tribal consultation on the implementation of the Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act enacted on December 20, 2022. Senior leadership from FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) will lead the consultation. GPD provides grants to prepare […]

Tapping into the Inflation Reduction Act Webinar

Virtual Event

August 3 at 12:00 pm Eastern Register Learn how Tribal governments and Indigenous organizations can take full advantage of funds in the Inflation Reduction Act to deliver the maximum benefits to their communities. You'll hear from: Wahleah Johns, Director, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs Matt Dannenberg, Senior Tribal Liaison, […]

Native American Language Resource Center Summer Series: How to Create an Immersion School

Virtual Event

The Office of Indian Education’s Native American Language Resource Center (NALRC) is featuring Native American language immersion practitioners as part of the free NALRC Summer Series on how to create an immersion school. Join them on five Thursdays as we explore how to start a new program, select partners and an approach, develop K-12 Native […]

DOI, HHS, DOJ Tribal Consultation on ICWA

Dear Tribal Leader Letter August 7 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern Virtual Register August 11 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Alaska Hybrid HHS Region 10 Consultation Southcentral Foundation Nuka Learning Center 4085 Tudor Centre Drive Anchorage, Alaska Register The Department of the Interior (DOI), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and […]

TribalHub Webinar: Optimizing your EHR: Best Practices for Tribal and Urban Indian Health Centers

Virtual Event

August 8 at 12:00 pm Central Register Join an insightful webinar on "Optimizing EMR Implementation: Best Practices for Tribal and Urban Indian Health Centers." Designed specifically for professionals working in Tribal and Urban Indian Health Centers, this webinar aims to provide valuable guidance and expertise on effectively implementing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems. During this […]

Department of State Tribal Consultation on Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony Act of 2021

Dear Tribal Leader Letter The Department of Interior will participate in Tribal consultations on the Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act of 2021, Pub. L. 117-258. The STOP Act aims to prevent the international export of cultural items prohibited from trafficking under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and the Archaeological […]