Frequently Asked Questions about Monkeypox
More FAQs are available on the CDC's website.
Does mpox come from monkeys?
Cases in this outbreak are being spread primarily person to person. Mpox virus gets its name from the first two outbreaks in 1958, in which monkeys kept for research developed this pox-like disease. The source of the disease remains unknown.
Is mpox is only a sexually transmitted disease?
Mpox is spread through prolonged skin to skin contact—which occurs a lot when having sex. The primary transmission for this outbreak is through close personal contact, but there are other methods of transmission such as contact with materials that have touched infectious lesions, like blankets or bedsheets.
Can only men who have sex with men get mpox?
Anyone can get mpox. Currently cases have been concentrated among men who have sex with men, because of increased close contact within intimate social networks.
Is mpox is the same as chickenpox?
Mpox is not related to chickenpox, it is closer in relation to smallpox. Mpox is painful and it is not recommended to infect yourself or others purposefully.
How is mpox spread?
Mpox spread by contact with lesions, body fluids, contaminated materials, and respiratory droplets.
How serious is mpox?
Most infections last 2 to 4 weeks and resolve without treatment. Mpox is rarely fatal and >99% of people will recover. Mpox is painful and it is not recommended to infect yourself or others purposefully.
What should I do if I am exposed to mpox?
There are vaccines and treatment available. If you have symptoms or may have been exposed, please contact your healthcare provider.
Is mpox as contagious as COVID-19?
No, mpox is much less contagious. The most common route of mpox transmission is vigorous rubbing of infected sores, scabs, or body fluids directly or indirectly (through objects) to another person; however droplet transmission can still occur with very close extended contact.
Can I get mpox while running errands?
The most common route of mpox transmission is vigorous rubbing of infected sores, scabs, or body fluids directly or indirectly (through objects) to another person; however droplet transmission can still occur with very close extended contact.
Examples of High-Risk Activities
- Any type of sexual contact
- Sharing bedsheets, towels, clothing
- Kissing, hugging, cuddling
Examples of Low-Risk Activities
- Riding a bus or subway
- Trying on clothing at a store
- Casual conversations