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Culture and Heritage
Culture and Heritage Resolutions
2025 SPF:002 Urging an Amendment to the Wilderness Act to Recognize Tribal Reserved Rights
2024 SPF:001 - Urging the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to Standardize Its Mitigation Procedure with Tribal Nations for Offshore Wind Energy Projects
2024 SPF:003 - Urging the White House Council on Native American Affairs to Establish an Accountability Assessment for Implementation of Joint Secretarial Order 3403
2024 SPF:004 - Requesting a Moratorium on Offshore Wind Projects Without Power Purchase Agreements
2023 SPF:001 Support for the Rights of Nature
2023 SPF:009 Demand for Governor Cathy Hochul to Sign Legislation Protecting Unmarked Burial Sites on Privately Owned Land Within New York and Conduct Government-to-Government Consultation with Tribal Nations
2023 SPF:013 Urging a Moratorium on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's Offshore Wind Scoping and Permitting
2022 SPF:002 Requesting USET SPF Representation on the America250 Foundation's Tribal Advisory Group and Tribal Leader Representation on the Full Committee
2020 SPF:019 Urging the Preservation of Rassawek, the Historic Capital City of the Monacan Indian Nation
2019 SPF:001 Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Repatriation Policy
2019 SPF:004 Support for Reclaiming Native Truth
2019 SPF:011 Call for United Strategy to Restore FCC Best Practices
2019 SPF:022 Designate Nantucket Sound as a Traditional Cultural Property
2017 SPF:001 Urging an Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act to Recognize Tribal Citizenship Rather than Blood Quantum for the Purposes of the Jay Treaty
2017 SPF:004 Support of the Tower Construction Notification Process Operated by the Federal Communications Commission
2017:005 Supporting Tribal Historic Preservation Staffing, Training & Equipping
2017 SPF:015 Requesting that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Consult with Tribal Nations and Implement Best Practices Protocols on Submerged Site Investigations
2017 SPF:020 Nominating Representatives to Federal Communications Commission Advisory Committees
2016:006 Urging The United Nations, Member States, And Indigenous Governments To Implement Decisions Taken At The United Nations World Conference On Indigenous Peoples
2016:020 Calling For Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to Honor Its Trust Responsibilities Under Section 106 to Implement Avoidance Planning for Ceremonial Stone Landscapes
2016:021 Support of the National Register Multiple Property Listing Protocol
2016:022 Support for Increased Funding for the West Valley Demonstration Project Clean Up
2016:023 Request for Florida Legislature to Reject Senate Bill1054 and House Bill 803
2016:024 Request for the United States Congress to Amend the Restore Act to Provide for Tribal Nation Representation on Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
2016:025 Request for the Establishment of a Permanent Director of Tribal Relations Position within the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
2016:026 Establishment of an Annual Joint USET SPF and National Register of Historic Places Preservation Roundtable Meeting
2016:042 Request for the Ancient One to be Returned to the Claimant Tribal Nations for Proper Reburial
2015:007 Support for the International Repatriation of Ancestral Remains and Cultural Items
2015:017 Request for the United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc Member Tribes to Establish Cultural and Language Preservation Programs
2015:026 Ecosystem Recovery and the Return of Productivity of Food Fishery for Tribal Survival and Sustenance
2015:039 Opposition to Passage of Alabama House Bill 584 and Support for the Continuation of the Alabama Historical Commission
2014:017 Support the Strengthening of Native Language and Culture Throughout the Implementation of Common Core State Standards
2014:018 Support to Develop Bureau of Indian Education Pilot Programs for Language Immersion in Elementary and Secondary Schools within Indian Country
2014:024 Urging Federal Support for the Teaching of Tribal Language and Cultures
2014:029 Support for the Passamaquoddy American Eel Management Plan and Tribal Representation on the Eel Advisory Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
2014:030 Expand United States Department of Agriculture Tribal Consultation Training to all Federal Agencies
2014:031 Opposition to H.R.687/S.339, Southeast Arizona Land Exchange Act of 2013
2014:056 Requesting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to Initiate Tribal Consultation
2013:014 Supporting the Development of Policies/Procedures in States that do not currently work with Native American Tribes to Protect Native Remains and Burial Grounds
2013:024 A Declaration of Support for the Indigenous People of Colombia
2012:006 Opposition to H.R. 1904, Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011
2012:011 Support of Listing the American Eel as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act
2012:021 United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc Culture & Heritage Committee Fiscal Year 2013 and 2014 Funding Priorities
2012:026 Support for the Nomination of the Poverty Point State Historic Site as a World Heritage Site
2012:028 Opposition to Massachusetts Bill S. 2053 entitled “An Act Relative to Certain Projects referred to the Massachusetts Historical Commission for Consultation”
2012:030 Opposition to House Bill 54 and Senate Bill 81 amending the Alabama Underwater Cultural Resources Act of 1999
2012:044 Urging the US to Protect Areas of Cultural Archeological & Historical significance to the Miccosukee people in its efforts to restore the Everglades
2011:002 Condemning the Racist and Inflammatory Statements of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Calling Upon Tribal, National, State and Local Political Leadership to Express their Outrage to the Mayor
2011:015 Protection of the Louisiana State University Campus Mounds, State File Number 16EBR06
2011:016 Amending the Programmatic Agreement on Protection of Historic Properties During Emergency Response Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
2011:034 Inclusion of Cultural Resources in Tribal Interior Budget Council Priorities
2011:035 USET Culture & Heritage Committee Fiscal Year 2012 Funding Priorities
2011:057 Expressing Deep Concern Over the Use of “Geronimo” as the Code Name for Osama Bin Laden, or even the mission, and Respectfully Requesting that President Obama Lead a National Debate on Racial Stereotyping of American Indians
2010:014 Calling Upon the Secretary of the Interior to Deny the Permitting of the Cape Wind Project Slated for Horseshoe Shoal, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
2010:015 Inclusion of Culture Resources in Tribal Funding Priorities
2010:019 Support of Legislation Recognizing Native American Veterans and Affirming “Native American Heritage Day” on the Friday After Thanksgiving In Honor of the Achievements and Contributions of Native American Veterans to the United States.
2010:027 Calling Upon the Department of Interior to Reverse its Approval of the Cape Wind Project
2010:028 Federal Compliance with Section 106 Consultations Responsibilities on the Mississippi Canyon Oil Spill
2010:029 Support for the Development and Funding of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service’s Ceremonial Stone Structures and Landscapes Inventory Pilot Project
2010:040 Doctrine of Discovery & the Tribes
2009:011 Protection of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site
2009:013 Archaeological Site Surveillance
2009:025 Support of the Final Rule on Sale and Disposal of National Forest System Timber; Special Forest Products and Forest Botanical Products, with Exception
2009:026 Call to Department of Interior to halt Minerals Management Services Action on Cape Wind Project, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
2009:050 Preservation of Long Swamp Site
2009:051 Funding for Rights Protection and Fulfillment of Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
2009:057 Partnerships to Preserve Sacred Ceremonial Landscapes
2009:058 Concern Regarding Proposed RUS/NTIA Section 106 Nationwide Programmatic Agreement
2008:009 Protection of the Sacred Ceremonial Stones/Prayer Hill from Impacts and Destruction
2008:010 Narragansett Indian Salt Pond Village & Burying Ground
2008:027 Request for Housing and Urban Development to honor their Government-to-Government Tribal Consultation Responsibilities
2008:030 Opposition to the Cape Wind Farm Proposal, Horseshoe Shoal, Nantucket Sound Massachusetts
2008:044 Commendation for the Charleston, Jacksonville, Mobile and Savannah Districts of the Army Corp of Engineers for Section 106 Consultation
2008:045 Commendation of Tennessee Valley Authority for Archaeological Resource Protection Act Enforcement
2007:033 Cohokia Mounds State Historic Site, Illinois
2007:034 Support of Catawba Indian Nations Tribal Historic Preservation Efforts in the State of South Carolina
2007:035 Support for increase in National Park Service Tribal Historic Preservation Office Funding
2007:036 Request not to adopt the ACHP Human Remains Policy in its current form
2007:037 Sacred Ceremonial Stone Landscapes found in the Ancestral Territories of USET member Tribes
006:034 Support for Tribal Historic Preservation Funding Increase
2006:036 Recognition of Dr. Thomas H. Eubanks’ Services
2006:038 Support for USET and National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers work to stop Illegal Looting and Trafficking of American Indian Remains and Items
2006:067 Request for Extension of Comment Period for Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Human Remains Policy
2005:007 Creation of USET Task Force to Consult with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Archaeology Task Force
2005:008 Opposition to an Amendment to H.R. 10
2005:009 Acceptance of USET Model Explanation Cost Recovery Schedule
2005:018 Protection of Porcupine Caribou Herd Calving Grounds
2005:031 Grand Prairie Irrigation Reservoirs Consultation
2005:032 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Government-to-Government Consultation
2005:033 Nantucket Longhouse-Dwelling Protection
2005:062 Support to Continue Efforts Towards Implementation of Cell Tower Best Practices Agreement
2005:063 Support of Invista Actions to Protect and Preserve the Buckeye Knoli Site, Victoria, Texas
2005:064 Protection of the Stranahan Trading Post and Seminole Campsite
2004:001 ACHP Section 106 Regulation Amendments
004:002 Revision of US Corps of Engineers Appendix C
2004:040 Respecting Aboriginal Lands
2004:046 Bill Day Summer Youth Program
2004:047 THPO/Historic Preservation FY 2005 Funding
2004:061 Invalid Nation-Wide Programmatic Agreements Under the NHPA
2003:018 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Land Exchange
2003:019 Tribal Traditional Cultural Authority
2003:020 Preservation of Ocmulgee National Monument and Ocmulgee Old Fields Traditional Cultural Property
2003:021 Failure of Fort Benning, GA to Consult in Good Faith
2003:022 Sacred Landscape within Commonwealth of Massachusetts
2003:041 FCC Consultation with Tribes on Cell Tower Siting
2003:064 First Nations of Canada Cultural Exchange
2003:065 National Historic Preservation Act Regulations Revisions
2003:066 Migratory Birds Treaty Act Regulations
2003:067 Sacred Sites Protection
2003:068 Fort Hamer Site
2002:004 USDA Forest Service Special Forest Products Policy
2002:005 Federal Consultation Responsibilities
2002: 006 Federal Communications Commission Appointment
2002:007 Affirmation of Tribal Sovereignty
2002:008 Preservation of the Conly Site
2002:009 Federal Funding for Tribal Historic Preservation
2002:045 Protection and Restoration of Natural and Cultural Resources Impacted by Hydropower Dams
2002:046 Tribal Museum Endowment Fund
2002:047 PCIA Protocols
2002:048 Pithlachocco/Newnan’s Lake
2002:049 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Consultation Guidelines
2002:069 In the Light of Reverence
2002:073 ACHP *Section 106 American Indian Consultation Database
2002:074 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and US Army Corps of Engineers
2002:075 Federal Communications Commission Model State Programmatic Agreement
2002:076 Narragansett Tribe and the US Fish and Wildlife Service
2002:077 Buckeye Knoll (Dupont) Site, Victoria, TX
2002:078 Vann House and Plantation Site Acquisition and Preservation
2001:005 Calling Upon the State of Florida to Protect Indian Cultural Sites and Material Culture Remains
2001:006 National Park Service THPO Funding Formula
2001:007 Advisory Council Proposed Suspension of Section 106 Regulations
2001:008 Department of the Interior Funding Support for Tribal Projects
2001:024 State of Massachusetts to Protect an Indian Burial Site
2001:025 United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Rights
2001:031 Personal Communications Industry Associates Programmatic Agreement
2001:032 National Museum of the American Indian Groundbreaking
2001:033 Tennessee Department of Transportation
2001:034 Department of Defense Language Program
2001:035 Native American Religious Freedom
2001:065 Support of a Minimum Buffer Zone
2001:068 U.S. Navy Consultations with the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
2001:071 Encouraging the Establishment of Keepsake Heritage Cemeteries
2001:072 Recommendation to Seek Immediate Revocation of Co-Location Programmatic Agreement
2000:013 Tribal Historic Preservation Office Funding
2000:014 Protection of Sacred and Cultural Site Information
2000:015 NAGPRA Review Committee’s Draft Principles on “Culturally Unidentifiable” Human Remains
2000:016 Support for the American Indian Museum Association
2000:017 NHPA Section 106 Consulting Party
2000:040 Request for Letter of Appreciation
2000:041 Inquiry into the Status of the Army’s NHPA Section 106 Counterpart Regulations
2000:042 Commendation for Parties Involved in the Native American Historical Initiative
2000:043 NCPTT Native American Awareness Workshop
2000:044 Support for Narragansett Indian Tribe’s 101(d)(5) Application
2000:045 Tribal Historic Preservation Funding Increase
2000:046 Opposition to H.R. 3125 and S. 692
2000:078 Nominations to the NAGPRA Review Committee
2000:079 Section 101(d)(5)
2000:080 Wireless Communications Tower Permitting
2000:081 Five Civilized Tribes NAGPRA Issue
2000:083 Tribal Historic Preservation Funding Increase
2000:084 National Guard Bureau Cross-Cultural Resource Management Training Conference
2000:085 U.S. Army Alternate Procedures
2000:087 NAGPRA Administrative Structure
1999:001 Supporting Funding Increases for the Natural resources Conservation Service’s Environmental Quality Incentive Program
1999:007 Consultation on Proposed Regulations
1999:025 USET Requests EPA Indian Coordinators from Regions I, II, IV, & VI Attend All USET Meetings
1999:026 USET Requests USFWS Indian Liaisons and BIA Eastern Area Natural Resources Officers to Attend All USET Meetings
1999:027 USET Requests BIA to Fully Fund Geographic Data Service Center for Remainder of Fiscal Year and Continue Funding in FY 2000
1999:035 A Resolution in Support of Federal Agency Compliance with Executive Order 13007
1999:036 Support for Amending the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 to Include NATHPO on the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation
1999:037 Support for Amending the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 to Change the Definition of Tribal Lands
1999:038 Cooperative Agreement for NAGPRA
1998:001 USET Action on Regulations to Implement Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
1998:008 Support of the Internet USET Web Page Tribal Information Project
1998:009 Resolution Condemning the US Army Corps of Engineers Draft Guidelines in Reference to Executive Order 13007
1997:010 Preservation of Cultural Patrimonial and Cultural History of Tribes
1997:011 Support of the Senate Bill S.1983
1997:012 NAGPRA Investigation
1997:013 Respect for Tribal Sovereignty of and Lands Governed by Ancestor Tribes
1997:034 Smithsonian Institute Repatriation Practices
1997:036 Request for Eastern Area American Indian Trust Consultation Meeting
1997:037 Request for Increased Funding
1997:039 Interim Rule on Penalties for Failure to Comply with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
1996:018 Culture and Heritage Committee Formation
1996:028 Resolution to Clarify the History and Intent of 25 USC, 450 (b) and its Relation to the Native American Graves Protection Act of 1990
1996:029 Resolution to Call Upon Federal Agencies to Adhere to the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
1996:045 Everglades Lawsuit
92-02 Indian Religious Freedom Act
92-03 Request the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs to Resolve the Problems Caused by the Endangered Species Act
B-89-269 Support a Policy for the Protection and Return of Skeletal Remains and Grave Goods Buried of Being Held by Museums
76-6 USET – Ethnic Heritage Proposal