
USET Overdose Mapping and Application Program (ODMAP) teleECHO

Virtual Event

United South and Eastern Tribes Inc. invites you to attend the USET Overdose Mapping and Application Program (ODMAP) teleECHO held Monday, June 28th, at 12 pm CST.  This will be the fourth session in a five-part series. Please click here to add […]

CMS Navigator Technical Assistance Session

CMS issued the 2021 Navigator Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), which will make $80 million in grant funding available to Navigators in states with a Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) for the […]

NIHB Opioid Laws and Policies Discussion Group #2

Virtual Event

Opioid Laws and Policies Discussion Group #2 Monday, June 28, 2021 3:00 PM -4:00 PM Eastern Time REGISTER FOR GROUP 2 The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) will be hosting […]

LGBT2S Intimate Partner Violence Webinar

Virtual Event

Register> for this upcoming webinar focused on addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) in the LGBT2S community as providers. Participants will learn about underreporting of IPV, employing appropriate screening and assessment […]


Virtual Event

Every second Friday of the month: USET COVID-19 ECHO The session will include updates related to Indian Country, updates on the status of COVID-19 in the USET region, and an […]

Native American Storytelling: Culture is Prevention

Virtual Event

This series of sessions, hosted by the Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC),  features traditional Native American storytelling, along with time for discussion on what can be learned from the […]

Grand Rounds on Gender-Affirming Care

Virtual Event

Join> ECHO faculty members Dr. Hannah Wenger, MD and Dr. Frances Grimstad, MD for an introduction to affirming care for gender-diverse (trans, genderqueer, Two Spirit, and other not cisgender) patients, […]

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi and how they can cause illnesses

Virtual Event

Please join the National Indian Health Board (NIHB), for an Infectious Disease Preparedness Learning Community (IDLC) webinar on how viruses, bacteria, and fungi can cause illnesses and spread diseases. Webinar attendees will gain […]