
NAIHC 2023 Legislative Conference

Save the date for the National American Indian Housing Council's 2023 Legislative Conference — March 6-8 in Washington, DC!

HUD Tribal Consultation on Section 184 Program Proposed Rule

HUD Tribal Consultation on Section 184 Program Proposed Rule In conjunction with the National American Indian Housing Council’s (NAIHC) 2023 Legislative Conference, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is […]

NOAA Tribal Input on IRA Funding

Virtual Event

The Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator, Dr. Richard W. Spinrad, invites you to a virtual session for Tribal Nations to engage in sustained dialogue about the Inflation […]

IHS Tribal Consultation on Health IT Modernization

Virtual Event

Dear Tribal Leader Letter As part of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Health Information Technology (IT) Modernization Program, you are invited to join a series of four Tribal Consultation and […]